Seminar Sains Fizik 2010
Tempat : Planetarium Melaka,Kompleks MITC, Hang Tuah Jaya, 75450 Ayer Keroh, Melaka
Tarikh : 29 Mac 2010
Masa : 10.30 am - 12.30 pm
Anjuran : Planetarium Melaka Sdn.Bhd
Dgn Kerjasama: JPNM,UM,UKM & UPM
Although the lecturer didn't turn up, I really hope all the girls who've attend the seminar learned a lot of things. Read about The Fun Facts you should know About Physics!!!!!
Gerak Minda Fizik 5 IS + 5 IK. This is just the first step utk program kecemerlangan. Agak terkilan coz ramai outsider tak dtg. Apa pun I really hope yg hdr dpt something. wpun masa sigkat, wish we grab the quality time. Setiap langkah kita ke majlis ilmu InsAllah akan mendapat ganjaran drpd Allah. AMIN. Cuma next time plz be on time.Thanks for the cooperation. Luv u.
Experiment on Ohm's Law 5 IS
Experiment on Ohms Law
5 IK - Lepas ni buat report PEKA k.